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Daihatsu Sigra car- Prices, specifications and car images

 Daihatsu Sigra car- Prices, specifications and car images 

A car is a four-wheeled vehicle that is driven by engine power using gasoline or diesel fuel which has a certain shape. Cool cars are always a daily target among young people and even those who are old. Every day, there are always factories or automotive industries that present the newest cars with the latest technology. Not only sports cars, other car categories are also included, such as hatchbacks, city cars, MPVs and SUVs. The price of electric cars is still relatively expensive, but they are still cool cars that are one of the most sought after in the current market. In the future, electric cars and LCGC cars will certainly become a benchmark for consumer needs and civilization. The reason is that innovation in technological development must continue. Well, usually with every new release, the car is always equipped with the latest technology. This time we will not only discuss sports cars, OK! Carsome will discuss cool and sophisticated cars from the newest to those that still exist and are in demand by the public. Come on, let's just take a look


1. CAR 

DON'T FORGET TO ALWAYS ROUTINELY SERVICE YOUR CAR Car owners are certainly familiar with the terms routine car service or periodic car service. This service is usually carried out based on distance traveled or time period. For example, car oil changes are carried out routinely every 5,000 km or every 6 months, whichever is more achievable. It is highly recommended for car owners to carry out routine car servicing at a trusted repair shop. The goal is to keep the car healthy and have no problems when traveling. Of course, OtoFriends doesn't want to drive a car that has problems and breaks down on the road, right?

Why Cars Need Routine Service Types of Car Maintenance 1. Routine Car Service 2. Car Tune Up Components that need to be checked when servicing a car 1. Oil and Filter Change 2. Battery 3. Air Filter and AC 4. Brake lining and fluid 5. Clutch Pad 6. Tires, Spooring and Balancing 7. Lamp 8. Feet 9. Spark Plug 10. Air Condition (AC) Estimated Cost of Routine Car Service Questions about the nearest car repair shop Why Cars Need Routine Service Maybe some people ask why do cars need regular servicing? even though he can still walk normally. The condition of the car engine cannot be seen at a glance from the outside. All engines have a lifespan, this is the reason why cars need regular servicing. As a system, machines work by mutually influencing each other. Car components must always be in prime condition. Otherwise, damage may spread to other components.

Routine service has the benefit of preventing damage to car components, increasing car power, fuel efficiency and making the car last longer. In practice, many car services are recommended based on mileage.

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